Tia - Celestia Coin

The Native Token of the Celestia Blockchain

Why should you Invest in Tia?

Here are a few reasons why you should trust and invest in Celestia and its native token Tia.

Network Participation

Owning Tia allows users to participate in the Celestia network. This includes staking Tia to secure the network and earn rewards, and voting on governance proposals.

Access to Services

Tia is used to pay for services within the Celestia network, such as publishing data to the network's blobspace. This is particularly relevant for developers building on Celestia.

Gas for Rollups

Developers can use Tia as a gas token for their rollups, which can be beneficial for those looking to bootstrap their chain quickly.

Tia’s Role in Celestia

Tia, the native token of the Celestia blockchain, plays several crucial roles in the network:

Pay for Blobspace

Developers use Tia to pay for publishing data to Celestia's blobspace. This is a key aspect of how developers build on the Celestia network. To use Celestia for data availability, rollup developers submit PayForBlobs transactions on the network for a fee, denominated in Tia.

Secure the Network

Celestia uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, where users stake Tia to participate in consensus and secure the network. Any user can help secure the network by delegating their Tia to a Celestia validator for a portion of their validator’s staking rewards.

Gas Token for Rollups

Developers can use Tia as a gas token for their rollups. This allows developers to focus on creating their application or execution layer, instead of issuing a token right away.

Tia staking also allows the community to play a critical role in decentralized governance over key parts of Celestia. This includes voting on network parameters through governance proposals, and governing the community pool, which receives 2% of block rewards.

These roles make Tia an integral part of the Celestia ecosystem, facilitating both the technical operations of the network and the community governance.

Potential for Growth

As the native token of the Celestia network, the demand for Tia could potentially increase as the network grows and more developers build on it.

This is because Tia is used to pay for services within the Celestia network, such as publishing data to the network's blobspace, and as a gas token for rollups.

Furthermore, as more users participate in the network, whether through staking Tia to secure the network, voting on governance proposals, or using Tia for transactions, this could also drive demand for the token.


Download a non-custodial wallet to stake Tia, and be a part of the Celestia network.

Kepler Wallet


